
  • Anti-Corruption Supervision Department (ACSD)

    Report Hotline:(86)021-33987480

    Email Report:lianzhengdc@sg0527.com

    Official Website:sg0527.com

    Wechat Public Account:FOSUN PHARMA

    Letter Report:Building A, No. 1289 Yishan Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai,Post code:200233

  • Anti-Corruption Supervision Department (ACSD)

    Report Hotline:(86)021-23156625

    Email Report:lianzhengdc@fosun.com

    Letter Report:Floor 16, Building. S1, No. 600 Zhongshan East 2 Road, Shanghai,Post code:200010

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To ensure a timely response to your concern, please include all relevant details of your concern and provide the supporting materials as far as possible, such as when and where it happened, the organization to which the reported person belonged, the position and contact information of the reported person, the cause and details of the act, whether there are other witnesses and their contact information, the consequences of the act, etc.

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